Santa Jima Justin Ali (South Sudan)
Challenges of Child Protection in South Sudan
Supervisor: Dr B. T. Mapunda

Viateur Bangayandusha (Rwanda)
Analysis of Legal Challenges to the Implementation of the Common
Market Protocol in the East African Community: The Case of
Supervisor: Dr T. Milej

Henry Elia Amiro Dobbo (South Sudan)
International Protection of Human Rights: A Case Study of South
Supervisor: Prof. J. S. Mwakaje

Naomi Nyambura Gichuki (Kenya)
Natural Resources Governance in East Africa: An Analysis of the
Extractive Industry
Supervisor: Prof. H. I. Majamba

Antidius Kaitu (Tanzania)
Popular Participation in Regional Integration: A Critical Overview
of the East African Legislative Assembly
Supervisor: Prof. B. I. Rutinwa

Daniel Naftal Lema (Tanzania)
The Impact of Corporations’ Investment in Land on Marginalised
Communities in East Africa
Supervisor: Prof. C. M. Peter

Catherine Mihayo (Tanzania)
Disaster Management in the Extractive Industry in East Africa:
The Liability of Oil and Gas Operators – A Case Study of Tanzania
Supervisor: Prof. P. J. Kabudi

Donatus Nicholas Nditi (Tanzania)
Restrictive Trade Agreements in the Extractive Industry: An Analysis
of Contemporary Legal Challenges in East Africa
Supervisor: Prof. L. Shaidi

Tom Okuku Ngeri (Kenya)
The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in East African Community
Supervisor: Prof. G. M. Fimbo

Adelina Aniseth Nyamizi (Tanzania)
Variable Geometry vis-à-vis Consensus under the Treaty for the
Establishment of the East African Community: A Case Study of the
Coalition of the Willing
Supervisor: Dr K. K. Kamanga

Isaiah Mokaya Orina (Kenya)
Prosecution and Adjudication of International Crimes in National
Jurisdictions: The Case of Kenya
Supervisor: Prof. N. Nditi

Emily Kwamboka Osiemo (Kenya)
Tightening Corporate Environmental Liability in East Africa’s
Oil and Gas Sector
Supervisor: Prof. J. Kanywanyi

Vivine Twibanire (Burundi)
Transitional Justice for breaking Cycles of Violence in Burundi
Supervisor: Dr T. Milej

Edrine Wanyama (Uganda)
Freedom of Information in East Africa: Lessons from Uganda
Supervisor: Dr Z. Lukumay