LLM Students
Desderia P. Haula (Tanzania)
Combating Gender-Based Violence in Tanzania: An Examination of Laws for Prevention of the Killing of Elderly Women due to Witchcraft Beliefs
Supervisor: Dr R. A. Mwaipopo
Amos Kiiza (Rwanda)
The Practical Application of the Principle of Separation of Powers in rwanda in the Light of Article 7 (2) of the EAC Treaty
Supervisor: Dr A. M. Mapunda
Domina D. Madeli (Tanzania)
The Efficacy of the EAC Treaty on rights to a Clean Environment as human rights: The Study of Waste Treatment in Tanzania
Supervisor: Dr B. T. Mapunda
Stephano Seba Mbutu (Tanzania)
An Investigation of the right to Adequate housing in Urban Tanzania in the Light of the EAC Treaty
Supervisor: Prof. G. M. Fimbo
Kamru Habibu Msonde (Tanzania)
Realisation of Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights in the Light of the EAC Treaty
Supervisor: Prof. l. X. Mbunda
Betina Muhimpundu (Burundi)
The Viability of the EAC Treaty in Peace Making and Peace Keeping in Violent Conflict: A Case Study from Burundi
Supervisor: Dr K. Gastorn
Matilda Lameck Ngoje (Tanzania)
Free Movement of Workers in the EAC vis-à-vis the Labour Law regime in Tanzania Mainland
Mathias Sylvester Nkuhi (Tanzania)
Free Movement of Workers and the Legal Implications of the right to Equal Treatment in the EAC Common Market
Supervisor: Dr K. Kamanga
Bethy Sanare (Tanzania)
Legal Protection of Migrants in the EAC: The Case of Children
Supervisor: Dr B. T. mapunda
John B. Seka (Tanzania)
The Legal Framework for CrossBorder Practice in the EAC: The Case of Tanzania
Supervisor: Dr A. M. Mapunda
PhD Students

Hamza Ismail Abdulrahman (Tanzania) (PhD)
Constitutional and human rights Dimensions of real Property Taxation in Tanzania
Supervisors: Prof. G. M. Fimbo, Prof. M. K. Wambali
David C. Nzaligo (Tanzania) (PhD)
Privacy, Freedom of Expression and human rights: A Comparative Study of the Impact of Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.) in East Africa
Supervisors: Prof. P. J. Kabudi, Dr A. M. Mapunda

Kalekwa Kasanga (Tanzania) (PhD)
The Efficacy of human rights Commissions in Protecting human rights in East African Countries with Special reference to Tanzania
Supervisors: Prof. N. N. Nditi, Prof. M. K. B. Wambali

George Bakari (Tanzania) (PhD)
The relation between East African Law and National Law and Its Implication for human rights: The European Law Experience
Supervisors: Prof. l. X. Mbunda, Dr K. Kamanga

Tasco R. Luambano (Tanzania) (PhD)
Efficacy of Domestic and regional Courts in Protecting human rights in East Africa: A Case from Tanzania
Supervisors: Prof. B. Rutinwa, Prof. l. Shaidi