Management Team
Academic Committee
Prof. Dr. Thoko Kaime
TGCL Project Leader
Prof. Dr. Thoko Kaime holds an LLB (Hons) from the University of Malawi (2000), a LLM (Distinction)from the University of Pretoria (2001) and a PhD in Law from SOAS University of London (2007). Prof. Dr. Kaime is the Chairholder of African Legal Studies at the University Bayreuth and a Senior Teaching Fellow in the School of Law at SOAS. He also serves as the Project Leader of TGCL.

Dr. Sosteness Materu
Dean, University of Dar es Salaam School of Law
Dr. Sosteness Francis Materu is the Dean of the School and a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Law. He served as Associate Dean from 2019 to 2021 and Head of Public Law Department from 2016 to 2019. Dr. Materu reprensents the University of Dar es Salaam School of Law in the TGCL Academic Committee.

Dr. Petro Protas
TGCL Project Coordinator
Dr. Petro Protas is a Lecturer at the Department of Private Law at the University of Dar es Salaam School of Law. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree - LL.B (Hons), Master of Laws degree - LL.M (Dar) and Ph.D. (Dar). Dr. Protas serves as the Project Coordinator of the Tanzanian-German Centre for Eastern African Legal Studies (TGCL) (since January 2022), after taking over the post from the prestigous Dr. Benedict T. Mapunda.

Isabelle Zundel
TGCL Manager
Ms Zundel holds a state examination degree in Law from the University of Bayreuth. Ms Zundel is a PhD candidate at the Chair of African Legal Studies at the Unviersity of Bayreuth and the current TGCL Manager.
Further Staff

Lilian Masalu
Assistant to the TGCL Project Coordinator
Ms Lilian Masalu LLM is an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam School of Law and Assistant to the TGCL Coordinator.

Mohamed Mussa
TGCL Assistant Accountant
Mr Mohammed Muss has graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (B.Com. Acc.) from the University of Dar es Salaam. Mr Mussa is a Certified Public Accountant recognised by National Board of Accountants and Auditors in Tanzania.

Maria Paulo
TGCL Office Assistant
Programme Adviser

Prof. Richard Oppong
TGCL Programme Adviser
Prof. Dr. Richard Frimpong Oppong – LLB (Ghana), LLM (Cambridge), LLM (Harvard), PhD (UBC), FGA – is Associate Professor at Thompson Rivers University, Faculty of Law, in British Columbia, Canada. He is also a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences. Professor Oppong serves as TGCL Programme Adviser.
His principal research interests are in private international law, regional economic integration and international dispute settlement, with a special focus on Africa. He has published widely on these subjects.